Book I. 19
By Humbug | Published July 29, 2013

I give Chris a lot of freedom when he’s writing the comic, and I pretty much approve 95% of his work, because hey, I really like what he’s done so far. I didn’t mind at all that he completely rewrote Arianhod; my general requirements were that she be a) muscular and b) human and that her background reflects these attributes. So he made her a thuggish bruiser which is quite a different direction from her original concept pre-reboot, which was a martial arts fighter. Her personality has also changed quite a bit, and I think she’s actually much more fun now. I won’t go into detail on that however as I hope that you’ll be able to see for yourself as this scene plays out.

Apart from a background change because of the new setting, (not that you’ll know the difference since we never actually got to that point in the original comic) F’nor has remained relatively the same, although Chris added a few extra details to make him more interesting, I imagine it’ll be quite subtle though, but with the new Arianhod, I think their dynamic will be a little more fun as the comic progresses. Lair has also done a complete 180 and I think he’s hilarious now. XD

I like how things are going, but this is my opinion, perhaps I have a big head and I’m totally talking out of my ass.